Dr Alexei Murashev is a WSP Technical Director- Geotechnics & Tunnels. He is an Engineering NZ Fellow with MSc in Structural Engineering and PhD in Geotechnical Engineering. Alexei’s previous roles include an Associate Professor in one of Russia’s leading universities and a technical principal with international consulting companies. He has been involved in award-winning infrastructure projects across transport, building, water and power sectors in New Zealand, Australia, Europe and Asia and has more than 30 years of international experience in geotechnical engineering. Alexei led the preparation of NZTA’s Design Guidelines for Bridges on Liquefiable Sites; Section 6 – Site Stability, Foundations, Earthworks and Retaining Walls of NZTA’s Bridge Manual; and MBIE’s national ground improvement guidelines (Module 5: Ground improvement of soils prone to liquefaction).